Building a strong and empowered organisation able to take a role of the leader of the fair energy transition which will represent Polish companies and be an expert in a debate over the future of the Polish power sector market.



1. The purpose of the Association is to protect the rights and represent the interests of members before the authorities and state administration, local self-government administration bodies as well as domestic, foreign and international economic organisations, trade unions, professional self-government or other such organisations with the type of activity similar to the type adopted by the Association. Furthermore, the purpose of the Association is information, advisory and expert activities in the scope of solutions for modern enterprise management with regard to industry, as well as market analysis in the context of implementation of new technical solutions and changes in industry law and standards.

2. The objectives of the Association shall be implemented by:
a) organising support for members of the Association in solving economic, organisational and legal problems related to their economic activity undertaken in the country and abroad,
b) assessment and providing opinions on the applicable and draft regulations, regarding the subject of the Association activity, as well as submission of own projects and postulates in this respect,
c) cooperation with other organisations in the development and improvement of standards for the electric power industry,
d) shaping and dissemination of the principles for professional and business ethics,
e) promoting vocational education at various levels as well as organising and conducting specialist industry training,
f) cooperation with universities and the scientific community in order to popularise the use of new and innovative technologies in the electric power industry,
g) conducting market and marketing research related to the industry, and dissemination of their findings,
h) informing the public about market trends and promoting the aims and effects of the Association activities.



of Association