About PSBE
The Polish Electric Power Industry Association (PSBE) unites people and companies acting within electrical energy production and distribution investments as well as new technologies. PSBE upholds the fair energy transition through informative, consultancy and expert activities. The Association supports companies in Poland and contributes to creation of crucial legal acts relevant to the power sector.

members of PSBE
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companies supporting PSBE
mln PLN profit of the companies supporting PSBE
employees of companies supporting PSBE
PSBE’s fields of activity

and renewable energy sources.

Energy transmission,
conversion and distribution.

Energy stores, distributed and prosumer energy.

Industrial automation
Modern production
and process technologies.

IoT and Industry 4.0
Electromobility, smart grid,
big data, system integration.

Energy efficiency
plus production and distribution of electrical apparatus,
devices, cables and equipment.
Mission and objectives

Building a strong and empowered organization able to take a role of the leader of the fair energy transition which will represent Polish companies and be an expert in a debate over the future of the Polish power sector market.
Protecting rights and representing interests of its members. Informing, consulting and sharing expertise. Analyzing the market and giving feedback on the amendments to the existing laws, regulations and standards relevant to the power sector.

Cooperating with other organizations, universities and scientists. Supporting vocational education. Leading courses, trainings and seminars. Drawing business and marketing analysis of the power sector. Notifying the public on the Association’s activities.